Berikut ini kita berbagi kumpulan ebook teknologi informasi 2015-2016.
Microsoft ebooks 2015 – 2016, Outlook e-books 2015 – 2016, XML ebook 2015 – 2016, Perl books 2014 – 2015, Python ebooks 2014 – 2015, TCL e-books, SDLC e-books, Project Management e-books, Ruby e-books, dll.
Facebook Hacking Ebooks 2015-2016, Facebook Account Hack, Facebook Cracking 2015-2016, Facebook Hacker Book, Gmail Cracking Ebook, Ebook Hack Gmail, Google Hacking Ebook, Yahoo Mail Hack 2015-2016, Bing Hacking, Live Outlook Hacker Book, Hacking ebook 2014 – 2015, Cracking ebook 2014 – 2016. Download Programming e-book 2014 – 2016, Phising e-books 2014 – 2015, Web development ebooks 2014 – 2015, Design e-book 2014 – 2015, Agile ebook 2014 – 2015, IT Server 2014 – 2015, ebooks Network 2014 – 2015, ebooks Programmer 2014 – 2015, ebooks html 2014 – 2015, ebooks Cracking 2014 – 2015, ebooks Hacker 2014 – 2015, ebooks Cracker 2014 – 2015, Scanner ebook 2014 – 2015, ebook Hacker 2014 – 2015, ebook Cracker 2014 – 2015 yang mungkin bisa bermanfaat untuk bisa anda pakai di 2014 – 2015.
Microsoft ebooks 2015 – 2016, Outlook e-books 2015 – 2016, XML ebook 2015 – 2016, Perl books 2014 – 2015, Python ebooks 2014 – 2015, TCL e-books, SDLC e-books, Project Management e-books, Ruby e-books, dll.
Ayo Download Hacking ebook 2014 – 2015 – Hacker ebook 2014 – 2015 – e books 2014 – 2015 – PHP e-books 2014 – 2015 – Hacking book 2014 – 2015 – Javascript ebook 2014 – 2015 – Java ebooks 2014 – 2015 – Cracker ebook 2014 – 2015 – Cracking ebooks 2014 – 2015 – Cracker ebooks 2014 – 2015 – Crack ebook 2014 – 2015 – Crack ebooks 2014 – 2015. Security ebook 2014 – 2015, Scanner ebook 2014 – 2015, Vulnerbaility ebook 2014 – 2015, Pentester ebook 2014 – 2015, Exploit ebook 2014 – 2015, Sniffing ebook2014 – 2015, Intrusion ebook 2014 – 2015, Ebooks hacking 2014 – 2015, E-book cracking 2014 – 2015, Book blackhat 2014 – 2015, Whitehat ebook 2014 – 2015, Blackhat ebook 2014 – 2015, Internet ebook 2014 – 2015, Network ebook 2014 – 2015, Infrastructure ebook 2014 – 2015, Firewall ebook 2014 – 2015
1 | A Peek at Computer Electronics | Caleb Tennis | |
2 | Advanced Rails Recipes | Mike Clark | |
3 | Agile Web Development with Rails (3rd edition) | Sam Ruby, Dave Thomas, David Heinemeier Hansson | |
4 | Agile Web Development with Rails (4th edition) | Sam Ruby | |
5 | Arduino | Maik Schmidt | |
6 | Beginning Mac Programming | Tim Isted | |
7 | Behind Closed Doors | Johanna Rothman, Esther Derby | |
8 | Best of Ruby Quiz | James Edward Gray II | |
9 | Cocoa Programming | Daniel H Steinberg | |
10 | Code in the Cloud | Mark C. Chu-Carroll | |
11 | Continuous Testing | Ben Rady, Rod Coffin | |
12 | Core Animation for Mac OS X and the iPhone | Bill Dudney | |
13 | Core Data | Marcus S. Zarra | |
14 | Crafting Rails Applications | Jose Valim | |
15 | Debug It! | Paul Butcher | |
16 | Design Accessible Web Sites | Jeremy Sydik | |
17 | Driving Technical Change | Terrence Ryan | |
18 | Enterprise Integration with Ruby | Maik Schmidt | |
19 | Enterprise Recipes with Ruby and Rails | Maik Schmidt | |
20 | Everyday Scripting with Ruby | Brian Marick | |
21 | ExpressionEngine 2 | Ryan Irelan | |
22 | From Java To Ruby | Bruce Tate | |
23 | FXRuby | Lyle Johnson | |
24 | GIS for Web Developers | Scott Davis | |
25 | Google Maps API (2nd edition) | Scott Davis | |
26 | Grails | Dave Klein | |
27 | Groovy Recipes | Scott Davis | |
28 | Hello, Android (3rd edition) | Ed Burnette | |
29 | HTML5 and CSS3 | Brian P. Hogan | |
30 | Interface Oriented Design | Ken Pugh | |
31 | iOS Recipes | Paul Warren, Matt Drance | |
32 | iPad Programming | Daniel H Steinberg, Eric T Freeman | |
33 | iPhone SDK Development | Bill Dudney, Chris Adamson | |
34 | Land the Tech Job You Love | Andy Lester | |
35 | Language Implementation Patterns | Terence Parr | |
36 | Learn to Program (2nd edition) | Chris Pine | |
37 | Manage It! | Johanna Rothman | |
38 | Manage Your Project Portfolio | Johanna Rothman | |
39 | Mastering Dojo | Craig Riecke, Rawld Gill, Alex Russell | |
40 | Metaprogramming Ruby | Paolo Perrotta | |
41 | Modular Java | Craig Walls | |
42 | No Fluff Just Stuff 2006 Anthology | Neal Ford (ed) | |
43 | Practical Programming | Jennifer Campbell, Paul Gries, Jason Montojo, Greg Wilson | |
44 | Practices of an Agile Developer | Venkat Subramaniam, Andy Hunt | |
45 | Pragmatic Guide to Git | Travis Swicegood | |
46 | Pragmatic Guide to JavaScript | Christophe Porteneuve | |
47 | Pragmatic Guide to Subversion | Mike Mason | |
48 | Pragmatic Project Automation | Mike Clark | |
49 | Pragmatic Thinking and Learning | Andy Hunt | |
50 | Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit (2nd edition) | Andy Hunt, Dave Thomas, Matt Hargett | |
51 | Pragmatic Unit Testing in Java with JUnit | Alasdair Allan | |
52 | Pragmatic Version Control using CVS | Dave Thomas, Andy Hunt | |
53 | Pragmatic Version Control Using Git | Travis Swicegood | |
54 | Pragmatic Version Control using Subversion (2nd edition) | Mike Mason | |
55 | Programming Clojure | Stuart Halloway | |
56 | Programming Cocoa with Ruby | Brian Marick | |
57 | Programming Erlang | Joe Armstrong | |
58 | Programming Groovy | Venkat Subramaniam | |
59 | Programming Ruby 1.9 (3rd edition) | Dave Thomas, Chad Fowler, Andy Hunt | |
60 | Programming Ruby (2nd edition) | Unnamed | |
61 | Programming Scala | Venkat Subramaniam | |
62 | Prototype and | Christophe Porteneuve | |
63 | Rails for .NET Developers | Jeff Cohen, Brian Eng | |
64 | Rails for PHP Developers | Derek DeVries, Mike Naberezny | |
65 | Rails Recipes | Chad Fowler | |
66 | Release It! | Michael T. Nygard | |
67 | Scripted GUI Testing with Ruby | Ian Dees | |
68 | Seven Languages in Seven Weeks | Bruce A. Tate | |
69 | Ship It! | Jared Richardson, Will Gwaltney, Jr | |
70 | SQL Antipatterns | Bill Karwin | |
71 | Stripes | Frederic Daoud | |
72 | Test Driven Development for Embedded C | James W. Grenning | |
73 | Test-Drive ASP.NET MVC | Jonathan McCracken | |
74 | TextMate | James Edward Gray II | |
75 | The Agile Samurai | Unnamed | |
76 | The Passionate Programmer (2nd edition) | Chad Fowler | |
77 | The RSpec Book | David Chelimsky, Dave Astels, Zach Dennis, Aslak Helles�y, Bryan Helmkamp, Dan North | |
78 | ThoughtWorks Anthology | ThoughtWorks | |
79 | Ubuntu Kung Fu | Keir Thomas | |
80 | Using JRuby | Charles O Nutter, Thomas Enebo, Nick Sieger, Ola Bini, Ian Dees | |
81 | Web Design for Developers | Brian P. Hogan | |
82 | Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration | Chris Leiter, Dan Wood, Michael Cierkowski, Albert Boettger | |
83 | Microsoft SharePoint 2007 for Office 2007 Users | Martin Reid | |
84 | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration with Windows PowerShell | Ananthakumar Muthusamy, Yan Pan | |
85 | Model-Driven Development with Executable UML | Dragan Milicev | |
86 | OpenSocial Network Programming | Lynne Grewe | |
87 | Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 | Rob Conery, Scott Hanselman, Phil Haack, Scott Guthrie | |
88 | Professional DotNetNuke 5 | Shaun Walker, Brian Scarbeau, Darrell Hardy, Stan Schultes, Ryan Morgan | |
89 | Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 | Woodrow W. Windischman, Bryan Phillips, Asif Rehmani | |
90 | Professional Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio | Kyle Johns, Trevor Taylor | |
91 | Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming | Robert Vieira | |
92 | Professional Silverlight 2 for ASP.NET Developers | Jonathan Swift, Salvador Alvarez Patuel, Chris Barker, Dan Wahlin | |
93 | Ruby on Rails for Microsoft Developers | Antonio Cangiano | |
94 | Hackers | Steven Levy | |
95 | PHP: The Good Parts | Peter MacIntyre | |
96 | The Art of SEO | Eric Enge, Stephan Spencer, Rand Fishkin, Jessie C. Stricchiola | |
97 | Windows 7 Up and Running | Wei-Meng Lee | |
98 | Using Joomla | Ron Severdia, Kenneth Crowder | |
99 | Effective UI | Jonathan Anderson, John McRee, Robb Wilson, The EffectiveUI Team | |
100 | Fonts and Encodings | Yannis Haralambous | |
101 | Google Analytics | Justin Cutroni | |
102 | Head First SQL | Lynn Beighley | |
103 | Head First JavaScript | Michael Morrison | |
104 | Access 2010: The Missing Manual | Matthew MacDonald | |
105 | Office 2010: The Missing Manual | Nancy Conner, Matthew MacDonald | |
106 | Developing Microsoft SharePoint Applications Using Windows Azure | Steve Fox | |
107 | jQuery Cookbook | Cody Lindley | |
108 | jQuery Pocket Reference | David Flanagan | |
109 | Linux Server Hacks | Rob Flickenger | |
110 | Search Patterns | Peter Morville, Jeffery Callender | |
111 | Securing Ajax Applications | Christopher Wells | |
112 | Arista Warrior | Gary A. Donahue | |
113 | R in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition | Joseph Adler | |
114 | Geolocation in iOS | Alasdair Allan | |
115 | Hadoop Operations | Eric Sammer | |
116 | Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 – ADO.NET Application Development | Shawn Wildermuth, Mark Blomsma, Jim Wightman | |
117 | Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Inside Out | Tony Redmond | |
118 | Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Best Practices | Siegfried Jagott, Joel Stidley | |
119 | XSLT, 2nd Edition | Doug Tidwell | |
120 | XQuery | Priscilla Walmsley | |
121 | X Power Tools | Chris Tyler | |
122 | XPath and XPointer | John Simpson | |
123 | XMPP: The Definitive Guide | Peter Saint-Andre, Kevin Smith, Remko Troncon | |
124 | XML Publishing with Adobe InDesign | Dorothy Hoskins | |
125 | XML Pocket Reference, Third Edition | Simon St. Laurent, Michael Fitzgerald | |
126 | Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition | Steven Roman, PhD | |
127 | Writing and Querying MapReduce Views in CouchDB | Bradley Holt | |
128 | Word 2007: The Missing Manual | Chris Grover | |
129 | Windows Vista Annoyances | David A. Karp | |
130 | Windows Vista Administration: The Definitive Guide | Brian Culp | |
131 | Windows PowerShell Cookbook, 2nd Edition | Lee Holmes | |
132 | Windows 2000 Commands Pocket Reference | Aeleen Frisch | |
133 | Windows 7: The Missing Manual | David Pogue | |
134 | Windows 7: The Definitive Guide | William R. Stanek | |
135 | Windows 7 Annoyances | David A. Karp | |
136 | Wikipedia: The Missing Manual | John Broughton | |
137 | We the Media | Dan Gillmor | |
138 | Website Optimization | Andrew B. King | |
139 | Web Operations | John Allspaw, Jesse Robbins | |
140 | Web Mapping Illustrated | Tyler Mitchell | |
141 | Web 2.0 Architectures | James Governor, Dion Hinchcliffe, Duane Nickull | |
142 | VMware Cookbook | Ryan Troy, Matthew Helmke | |
143 | Visualizing Data | Ben Fry | |
144 | vi and Vim Editors Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition | Arnold Robbins | |
145 | Version Control with Git | Jon Loeliger | |
146 | VB & VBA in a Nutshell: The Language | Paul Lomax | |
147 | Using SQLite | Jay A. Kreibich | |
148 | Using Samba, Third Edition | Gerald Carter, Jay Ts, Robert Eckstein | |
149 | Using Moodle, 2nd Edition | Jason Cole, Helen Foster | |
150 | Using Google App Engine | Charles Severance | |
151 | Up and Running with Joomla, 2nd Edition | R. Allen Wyke, Skip Matheny | |
152 | Unix for Oracle DBAs Pocket Reference | Donald K. Burleson | |
153 | Understanding MySQL Internals | Sasha Pachev | |
154 | UML 2.0 in a Nutshell | Dan Pilone, Neil Pitman | |
155 | Ubuntu: Up and Running | Robin Nixon | |
156 | Ubuntu Hacks | Jonathan Oxer, Kyle Rankin, Bill Childers | |
157 | Twitter API: Up and Running | Kevin Makice | |
158 | Tomcat: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition | Jason Brittain, Ian F. Darwin | |
159 | The Twitter Book | Tim O’Reilly, Sarah Milstein | |
160 | The Sustainable Network | Sarah Sorensen | |
161 | The Social Media Marketing Book | Dan Zarrella | |
162 | The Ruby Programming Language | David Flanagan, Yukihiro Matsumoto | |
163 | The Productive Programmer | Neal Ford | |
164 | The New Community Rules | Tamar Weinberg | |
165 | The Myths of Security | John Viega | |
166 | The Myths of Innovation | Scott Berkun | |
167 | The Geek Atlas | John Graham-Cumming | |
168 | The Facebook Marketing Book | Dan Zarrella, Alison Zarrella | |
169 | Tapworthy | Josh Clark | |
170 | The Art of Capacity Planning | John Allspaw | |
171 | Python Pocket Reference, Fourth Edition | Mark Lutz | |
172 | Python for Unix and Linux System Administration | Noah Gift, Jeremy M. Jones | |
173 | SEO Warrior | John I Jerkovic | |
174 | sendmail, Fourth Edition | Bryan Costales, Claus Assmann, George Jansen, Gregory Neil Shapiro | |
175 | Security Power Tools | Bryan Burns, Dave Killion, Nicolas Beauchesne, Eric Moret, Julien Sobrier, Michael Lynn, Eric Markham, Chris Iezzoni, Philippe Biondi, Jennifer Stisa Granick, Steve Manzuik, Paul Guersch | |
176 | Security Monitoring | Chris Fry, Martin Nystrom | |
177 | Learn cocos2d 2 | Steffen Itterheim, Andreas Low | |
178 | Ruby Best Practices | Gregory T Brown | |
179 | Scaling MongoDB | Kristina Chodorow | |
180 | Ruby Pocket Reference | Michael Fitzgerald | |
181 | Ruby in a Nutshell | Yukihiro Matsumoto | |
182 | Ruby Cookbook | Lucas Carlson, Leonard Richardson | |
183 | SQL and Relational Theory | C. J. Date | |
184 | SOA in Practice | Nicolai M. Josuttis | |
185 | SQL Pocket Guide, Third Edition | Jonathan Gennick | |
186 | SVG Essentials | J. Eisenberg | |
187 | Regular Expressions Cookbook | Jan Goyvaerts, Steven Levithan | |
188 | Regular Expression Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition | Tony Stubblebine | |
189 | MintDuino | James Floyd Kelly, Marc de Vinck | |
190 | Windows 8: Out of the Box | Mike Halsey | |
191 | bash Cookbook | Carl Albing, JP Vossen, Cameron Newham | |
192 | bash Pocket Reference | Arnold Robbins | |
193 | bash Quick Reference | Arnold Robbins | |
194 | BSD Hacks | Dru Lavigne | |
195 | Building a Web 2.0 Portal with ASP.NET 3.5 | Omar AL Zabir | |
196 | Database Nation | Simson Garfinkel | |
197 | OS X Mountain Lion Server For Dummies | John Rizzo | |
198 | ActionScript for Flash MX: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition | Colin Moock | |
199 | Adding Ajax | Shelley Powers | |
200 | ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook | Joey Lott, Darron Schall, Keith Peters | |
201 | C# 3.0 Cookbook, Third Edition | Jay Hilyard, Stephen Teilhet | |
202 | C# 3.0 Design Patterns | Judith Bishop | |
203 | Car PC Hacks | Damien Stolarz | |
204 | Java and SOAP | Robert Englander | |
205 | Big Book of Windows Hacks | Preston Gralla | |
206 | Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript | Jonathan Stark | |
207 | Building Internet Firewalls, 2nd Edition | Elizabeth D. Zwicky, Simon Cooper, D. Brent Chapman | |
208 | Beautiful Security | Andy Oram, John Viega | |
209 | Beautiful Data | Toby Segaran, Jeff Hammerbacher | |
210 | Beautiful Architecture | Diomidis Spinellis , Georgios Gousios | |
211 | Building Embedded Linux Systems, 2nd Edition | Karim Yaghmour, Jon Masters, Gilad Ben-Yossef, Philippe Gerum | |
212 | Creating iPhone Apps with Cocoa Touch: The Mini Missing Manual | Craig Hockenberry | |
213 | CSS Cookbook, Third Edition | Christopher Schmitt | |
214 | Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual | David Sawyer McFarland | |
215 | Effective awk Programming, Third Edition | Arnold Robbins | |
216 | PDF Hacks | Sid Steward | |
217 | Head First PHP & MySQL | Lynn Beighley, Michael Morrison | |
218 | sed & awk, 2nd Edition | Dale Dougherty, Arnold Robbins | |
219 | Learning SQL, 2nd Edition | Alan Beaulieu | |
220 | Linux Networking Cookbook | Carla Schroder | |
221 | Managing RAID on Linux | Derek Vadala | |
222 | Optimizing Oracle Performance | Cary Millsap, Jeff Holt | |
223 | Oracle Built-in Packages | Steven Feuerstein, Charles Dye, John Beresniewicz | |
224 | Oracle DBA Checklists Pocket Reference | Quest Software | |
225 | Oracle Essentials, Fourth Edition | Rick Greenwald, Robert Stackowiak, Jonathan Stern | |
226 | Oracle Performance Tuning, 2nd Edition | Mark Gurry, Peter Corrigan | |
227 | Blogging For Dummies, 4th Edition | Susannah Gardner, Shane Birley | |
228 | Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference, Fourth Edition | Steven Feuerstein, Bill Pribyl, Chip Dawes | |
229 | Oracle RMAN Pocket Reference | Darl Kuhn, Scott Schulze | |
230 | Oracle SQL Tuning Pocket Reference | Mark Gurry | |
231 | MySQL High Availability | Charles Bell, Mats Kindahl, Lars Thalmann | |
232 | MySQL Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition | George Reese | |
233 | MySQL Stored Procedure Programming | Guy Harrison, Steven Feuerstein | |
234 | Designing Large Scale Lans | Kevin Dooley | |
235 | Designing Social Interfaces | Christian Crumlish, Erin Malone | |
236 | Designing Web Interfaces | Bill Scott, Theresa Neil | |
237 | Developing Large Web Applications | Kyle Loudon | |
238 | Head First 2D Geometry | Stray (Lindsey Fallow), Dawn Griffiths | |
239 | Complete Web Monitoring | Alistair Croll, Sean Power | |
240 | Cloud Security and Privacy | Tim Mather, Subra Kumaraswamy, Shahed Latif | |
241 | Digital Photography Pocket Guide, Third Edition | Derrick Story | |
242 | FBML Essentials | Jesse Stay | |
243 | Getting Started with Flex 3 | Jack D. Herrington, Emily Kim | |
244 | Getting Started with Processing | Casey Reas, Ben Fry | |
245 | Getting Started with Pyparsing | Paul McGuire | |
246 | Google Advertising Tools, 2nd Edition | Harold Davis | |
247 | Hackers & Painters | Paul Graham | |
248 | Hardening Cisco Routers | Thomas Akin | |
249 | Head First Ajax | Rebecca M. Riordan | |
250 | Head First Data Analysis | Michael Milton | |
251 | Head First C#, 2nd Edition | Andrew Stellman, Jennifer Greene | |
252 | Head First Design Patterns | Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Robson, Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra | |
253 | Head First EJB | Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates | |
254 | Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML | Elisabeth Robson, Eric Freeman | |
255 | Head First Java, 2nd Edition | Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates | |
256 | High Performance MySQL, 2nd Edition | Baron Schwartz, Peter Zaitsev, Vadim Tkachenko, Jeremy D. Zawodny, Arjen Lentz, Derek J. Balling | |
257 | High Performance JavaScript | Nicholas C. Zakas | |
258 | High Performance Web Sites | Steve Souders | |
259 | iPhone Game Development | Paul Zirkle, Joe Hogue | |
260 | iPhone App Development: The Missing Manual | Craig Hockenberry | |
261 | Natural Language Processing with Python | Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, Edward Loper | |
262 | Network Security Assessment, 2nd Edition | Chris McNab | |
263 | Network Security with OpenSSL | John Viega, Matt Messier, Pravir Chandra | |
264 | Network Troubleshooting Tools | Joseph D Sloan | |
265 | Knoppix Hacks, 2nd Edition | Kyle Rankin | |
266 | 21 Recipes for Mining Twitter | Matthew A. Russell | |
267 | 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know | Kevlin Henney | |
268 | 97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know | Barbee Davis | |
269 | 802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition | Matthew Gast | |
270 | Apache: The Definitive Guide, Third Edition | Ben Laurie, Peter Laurie | |
271 | C# 4.0 in a Nutshell, Fourth Edition | Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari | |
272 | C# 4.0 Pocket Reference, Third Edition | Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari | |
273 | C# Essentials, 2nd Edition | Ben Albahari, Peter Drayton, Brad Merrill | |
274 | JavaScript: The Good Parts | Douglas Crockford | |
275 | JavaScript Patterns | Stoyan Stefanov | |
276 | Access 2007: The Missing Manual | Matthew MacDonald | |
277 | Access Data Analysis Cookbook | Ken Bluttman, Wayne S. Freeze | |
278 | Access Database Design & Programming, Third Edition | Steven Roman, PhD | |
279 | Advanced Rails | Brad Ediger | |
280 | Algorithms in a Nutshell | George T. Heineman, Gary Pollice, Stanley Selkow | |
281 | AutoIt v3: Your Quick Guide | Andy Flesner | |
282 | A+, Network+, Security+ Exams in a Nutshell | Pawan K. Bhardwaj | |
283 | Beautiful Visualization | Julie Steele, Noah Iliinsky | |
284 | Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics | James Tisdall | |
285 | Being Geek | Michael Lopp | |
286 | Cloud Application Architectures | George Reese | |
287 | Cocoa and Objective-C: Up and Running | Scott Stevenson | |
288 | CouchDB: The Definitive Guide | J. Chris Anderson, Jan Lehnardt, Noah Slater | |
289 | Data Mashups in R | Jeremy Leipzig, Xiao-Yi Li | |
290 | David Pogue’s Digital Photography: The Missing Manual | David Pogue | |
291 | Dojo: The Definitive Guide | Matthew A. Russell | |
292 | Learning ActionScript 3.0, 2nd Edition | Rich Shupe, Zevan Rosser | |
293 | Learning ASP.NET 3.5, 2nd Edition | Jesse Liberty, Dan Hurwitz, Brian MacDonald | |
294 | Learning C# 3.0 | Jesse Liberty, Brian MacDonald | |
295 | Learning Cocoa with Objective-C, 2nd Edition | Apple Computer Inc, James Duncan Davidson | |
296 | Learning Flex 4 | Alaric Cole, Elijah Robison | |
297 | Learning Flex 3 | Alaric Cole | |
298 | Learning iPhone Programming | Alasdair Allan | |
299 | Learning OpenCV | Gary Bradski, Adrian Kaehler | |
300 | Learning Oracle PL/SQL | Bill Pribyl, Steven Feuerstein | |
301 | Learning PHP 5 | David Sklar | |
302 | HTML5 For Dummies | Andy Harris | |
303 | Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript | Robin Nixon | |
304 | Learning Python, Fourth Edition | Mark Lutz | |
305 | Learning Ruby | Michael Fitzgerald | |
306 | Learning the vi and Vim Editors, Seventh Edition | Arnold Robbins, Elbert Hannah, Linda Lamb | |
307 | Learning UML 2.0 | Russ Miles, Kim Hamilton | |
308 | Learning Web Design, Third Edition | Jennifer Niederst Robbins | |
309 | iPhone: The Missing Manual, Fourth Edition | David Pogue | |
310 | iBooks and ePeriodicals on the iPad: The Mini Missing Manual | J.D. Biersdorfer | |
311 | Impact of P2P and Free Distribution on Book Sales | Brian O’Leary | |
312 | Intellectual Property and Open Source | Van Lindberg | |
313 | GNU Emacs Pocket Reference | Debra Cameron | |
314 | Programming Firefox | Kenneth C. Feldt | |
315 | Programming Scala | Dean Wampler, Alex Payne | |
316 | Programming Web Services with SOAP | James Snell, Doug Tidwell, Pavel Kulchenko | |
317 | Protecting Your Mobile App IP: The Mini Missing Manual | Richard Stim | |
318 | R in a Nutshell | Joseph Adler | |
319 | Real World Instrumentation with Python | John M. Hughes | |
320 | Refactoring SQL Applications | Stephane Faroult, Pascal L’Hermite | |
321 | The Art of AgileDevelopment | James Shore, Chromatic | |
322 | Programming Visual Basic 2008 | Tim Patrick | |
323 | The Art of Application Performance Testing | Ian Molyneaux | |
324 | Enterprise Rails | Dan Chak | |
325 | Erlang Programming | Francesco Cesarini, Simon Thompson | |
326 | Java Web Services | David A Chappell, Tyler Jewell | |
327 | JavaScript & DHTML Cookbook, 2nd Edition | Danny Goodman | |
328 | JavaScript Cookbook | Shelley Powers | |
329 | Programming Flex 2 | Chafic Kazoun, Joey Lott | |
330 | Programming Collective Intelligence | Toby Segaran | |
331 | Programming C# 3.0, Fifth Edition | Jesse Liberty, Donald Xie | |
332 | Programming ASP.NET AJAX | Christian Wenz | |
333 | Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Snow Leopard Edition | David Pogue | |
334 | Linux System Administration | Tom Adelstein, Bill Lubanovic | |
335 | Linux System Programming | Robert Love | |
336 | Mac OS X Snow Leopard Pocket Guide | Chris Seibold | |
337 | Mac OS X Snow Leopard: The Missing Manual | David Pogue | |
338 | Linux iptables Pocket Reference | Gregor N. Purdy | |
339 | Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition | Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, Greg Kroah-Hartman | |
340 | Linux Cookbook, 2nd Edition | Michael Stutz | |
341 | Mastering Regular Expressions, Third Edition | Jeffrey E.F. Friedl | |
342 | 25 Recipes for Getting Started with R | Paul Teetor | |
343 | Perl & LWP | Sean M. Burke | |
344 | jQuery Mobile | Jon Reid | |
345 | Head First jQuery | Ryan Benedetti, Ronan Cranley | |
346 | Integrating PHP Projects with Jenkins | Sebastian Bergmann | |
347 | PHP & MySQL: The Missing Manual | Brett McLaughlin | |
348 | Professional PHP6 | Ed Lecky-Thompson, Steven D. Nowicki | |
349 | APIs: A Strategy Guide | Daniel Jacobson, Greg Brail, Dan Woods | |
350 | Developing Enterprise iOS Applications | James Turner | |
351 | Programming HTML5 Applications | Zachary Kessin | |
352 | Google+: The Missing Manual | Kevin Purdy | |
353 | Mapping with Drupal | Alan Palazzolo, Thomas Turnbull | |
354 | Design and Prototyping for Drupal | Dani Nordin | |
355 | What’s New in Flash Player 11 | Joseph Labrecque | |
356 | PayPal APIs: Up and Running | Michael Balderas | |
357 | Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node | Mike Amundsen | |
358 | Programming Android | Zigurd Mednieks, Laird Dornin, G. Blake Meike, Masumi Nakamura | |
359 | Head First Mobile Web | Lyza Danger Gardner, Jason Grigsby | |
360 | JavaScript Web Applications | Alex MacCaw | |
361 | Learning Perl, 6th Edition | Randal L. Schwartz, brian d foy, Tom Phoenix | |
362 | HTML5 Cookbook | Christopher Schmitt, Kyle Simpson | |
363 | JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual, 2nd Edition | David Sawyer McFarland | |
364 | Facebook Marketing For Dummies | Paul Dunay, Richard Krueger | |
365 | iOS 4 in Action | Jocelyn Harrington, Brandon Trebitowski, Christopher Allen, Shannon Appelcline | |
366 | Pro .NET Performance | Sasha Goldshtein, Dima Zurbalev, Ido Flatow | |
367 | Essential SNMP, 2nd Edition | Douglas Mauro, Kevin Schmidt | |
368 | Ethernet: The Definitive Guide | Charles Spurgeon | |
369 | grep Pocket Reference | John Bambenek, Agnieszka Klus | |
370 | Head First Networking | Al Anderson, Ryan Benedetti | |
371 | Head First PMP, 2nd Edition | Jennifer Greene, Andrew Stellman | |
372 | Head First Programming | David Griffiths, Paul Barry | |
373 | Head First Python | Paul Barry | |
374 | Head First Rails | David Griffiths | |
375 | Head First Servlets and JSP, 2nd Edition | Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates | |
376 | Head First Software Development | Dan Pilone, Russ Miles | |
377 | Head First Statistics | Dawn Griffiths | |
378 | Head First Web Design | Ethan Watrall, Jeff Siarto | |
379 | Head First WordPress | Jeff Siarto | |
380 | Java NIO | Ron Hitchens | |
381 | Managing NFS and NIS, 2nd Edition | Mike Eisler, Ricardo Labiaga, Hal Stern | |
382 | MediaWiki | Daniel J. Barrett | |
383 | Managing Projects with GNU Make, 3rd Edition | Robert Mecklenburg | |
384 | Mastering Algorithms with Perl | Jarkko Hietaniemi, John Macdonald, Jon Orwant | |
385 | Mercurial: The Definitive Guide | Bryan O’Sullivan | |
386 | Perl and XML | Erik T. Ray, Jason McIntosh | |
387 | Programming Google App Engine | Dan Sanderson | |
388 | Perl/Tk Pocket Reference | Stephen Lidie | |
389 | RESTful .NET | Jon Flanders | |
390 | RESTful Java with JAX-RS | Bill Burke | |
391 | RESTful Web Services | Leonard Richardson, Sam Ruby | |
392 | RESTful Web Services Cookbook | Subbu Allamaraju | |
393 | REST in Practice | Jim Webber, Savas Parastatidis, Ian Robinson | |
394 | RT Essentials | Jesse Vincent, Robert Spier, Dave Rolsky, Darren Chamberlain, Richard Foley | |
395 | Statistics in a Nutshell | Sarah Boslaugh, Dr. Paul Andrew Watters | |
396 | Using Drupal | Angela Byron, Addison Berry, Nathan Haug, Jeff Eaton, James Walker, Jeff Robbins | |
397 | The Complete FreeBSD, 4th Edition | Greg Lehey | |
398 | Using Moodle, 2nd Edition | Jason Cole, Helen Foster | |
399 | JavaFX 2.0: Introduction by Example | Carl Dea | |
400 | OS X and iOS Kernel Programming | Ole Henry Halvorsen , Douglas Clarke | |
401 | Pro .NET Best Practices | Stephen D. Ritchie | |
402 | Pro Java 7 NIO.2 | Anghel Leonard | |
403 | Linux in a Nutshell, 6th Edition | Ellen Siever, Stephen Figgins, Robert Love, Arnold Robbins | |
404 | Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in VB | Matthew MacDonald | |
405 | Build Your Own Database Driven Web Site Using PHP & MySQL, 4th Edition | Kevin Yank | |
406 | Professional Android 2 Application Development | Reto Meier | |
407 | Linux System Administration Recipes | Juliet Kemp | |
408 | Beginning iPad Development for iPhone Developers | Jack Nutting , Dave Wooldridge , David Mark | |
409 | Beginning PHP and MySQL, 4th Edition | W. Jason Gilmore | |
410 | Windows Mobile Game Development | Adam Dawes | |
411 | PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice, 3rd Edition | Matt Zandstra | |
412 | Pro PHP Application Performance | Armando Padilla , Tim Hawkins | |
413 | Pro JavaScript with MooTools | Mark Obcena | |
414 | Photoshop CS5: The Missing Manual | Lesa Snider | |
415 | Head First HTML5 Programming | Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Robson | |
416 | JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 6th Edition | David Flanagan | |
417 | Photoshop Elements 10: The Missing Manual | Barbara Brundage | |
418 | Pro PHP and jQuery | Unnamed | |
419 | Pro Business Applications with Silverlight 4 | Chris Anderson | |
420 | Windows Phone 7 Game Development | Adam Dawes | |
421 | Pro Windows Phone 7 Development | Rob Cameron | |
422 | Applied ASP.NET 4 in Context | Adam Freeman | |
423 | Droid 2: The Missing Manual | Preston Gralla | |
424 | Programming Entity Framework: Code First | Julia Lerman, Rowan Miller | |
425 | Head First Physics | Heather Lang | |
426 | The Art of Concurrency | Clay Breshears | |
427 | Scripting InDesign CS3/4 with JavaScript | Peter Kahrel | |
428 | slide:ology | Nancy Duarte | |
429 | Mac Kung Fu | Keir Thomas | |
430 | 50 Tips and Tricks for MongoDB Developers | Kristina Chodorow | |
431 | Using Microsoft InfoPath 2010 with Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Step by Step | Darvish Shadravan, Laura Rogers | |
432 | HBase: The Definitive Guide | Lars George | |
433 | DNS and BIND on IPv6 | Cricket Liu | |
434 | Practical JIRA Administration | Matthew B. Doar | |
435 | Network Warrior, 2nd Edition | Gary A. Donahue | |
436 | HTML5 Geolocation | Anthony T. Holdener III | |
437 | Flash CS5.5: The Missing Manual, Flash CS5.5 Edition | Chris Grover | |
438 | Successful Project Management: Applying Best Practices and Real-World Techniques with Microsoft Project | Bonnie Biafore | |
439 | Learning XNA 4.0 | Aaron Reed | |
440 | What’s New in Adobe AIR 3 | Joseph Labrecque | |
441 | Developing Android Applications with Adobe AIR | Veronique Brossier | |
442 | Attract Visitors to Your Site: The Mini Missing Manual | Matthew MacDonald | |
443 | Add Audio and Video to Your Site: The Mini Missing Manual | Matthew MacDonald | |
444 | Games, Diversions & Perl Culture | Jon Orwant | |
445 | iPad 2: The Missing Manual, 2nd Edition | J.D. Biersdorfer | |
446 | Making Isometric Social Real-Time Games with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript | Mario Andres Pagella | |
447 | HTML5 Canvas | Steve Fulton, Jeff Fulton | |
448 | Asterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition | Leif Madsen, Jim Van Meggelen, Russell Bryant | |
449 | Think Stats | Allen B. Downey | |
450 | App Inventor | David Wolber, Hal Abelson, Ellen Spertus, Liz Looney | |
451 | Writing Game Center Apps in iOS | Vandad Nahavandipoor | |
452 | Developing Android Applications with Flex 4.5 | Rich Tretola | |
453 | Concurrent Programming in Mac OS X and iOS | Vandad Nahavandipoor | |
454 | Programming iOS 4 | Matt Neuburg | |
455 | Make: Arduino Bots and Gadgets | Tero Karvinen, Kimmo Karvinen | |
456 | Data Source Handbook | Pete Warden | |
457 | LINQ Unleashed: for C# | Paul Kimmel | |
458 | System Center Service Manager 2010 Unleashed | Kerrie Meyler, Alexandre Verkinderen, Anders Bengtsson, Patrik Sundqvist, David Pultorak | |
459 | Pro Telerik ASP.NET and Silverlight Controls | Jose Rolando Guay Paz | |
460 | Learn Cocoa on the Mac | Jack Nutting, David Mark, Jeff LaMarche | |
461 | Introducing Silverlight 4 | Ashish Ghoda | |
462 | Beginning Ubuntu Linux, 5th Edition | Emilio Raggi, Keir Thomas, Andy Channelle, Trevor Parsons, Sander van Vugt | |
463 | Beginning WordPress 3 | Stephanie Leary | |
464 | Beginning Microsoft Office 2010 | Guy Hart-Davis | |
465 | Beginning Microsoft Word 2010 | Ty Anderson, Guy Hart-Davis | |
466 | Beginning Microsoft Excel 2010 | Abbott Katz | |
467 | Adobe ColdFusion Anthology | Michael Dinowitz, Judith Dinowitz | |
468 | Beginning Drupal 7 | Todd Tomlinson | |
469 | Beginning Google Blogger | Heather Wright-Porto | |
470 | Beginning Google Maps API 3 | Gabriel Svennerberg, Cameron Turner | |
471 | Beginning JavaFX | Lawrence PremKumar, Praveen Mohan | |
472 | The Art of Readable Code | Dustin Boswell, Trevor Foucher | |
473 | Functional Programming for Java Developers | Dean Wampler | |
474 | Pro Drupal 7 for Windows Developers | Brian Travis | |
475 | Just Spring | Madhusudhan Konda | |
476 | Pro ASP.Net MVC 3 Framework | Adam Freeman, Steven Sanderson | |
477 | HTML5: Up and Running | Mark Pilgrim | |
478 | Java: The Good Parts | Jim Waldo | |
479 | Google SketchUp Cookbook | Bonnie Roskes | |
480 | Programming iOS 5 | Matt Neuburg | |
481 | Beautiful Code | Greg Wilson, Andy Oram | |
482 | Programming Interactivity, 2nd Edition | Joshua Noble | |
483 | Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, 3rd Edition | Nicholas C. Zakas | |
484 | Web Development Recipes | Brian P. Hogan, Chris Warren, Mike Weber, Chris Johnson, Aaron Godin | |
485 | The Little Book on CoffeeScript | Alex MacCaw | |
486 | Hacking and Securing iOS Applications | Jonathan Zdziarski | |
487 | Objective-C for Absolute Beginners, 2nd Edition | Gary Bennett, Mitchell Fisher, Brad Lees | |
488 | Beginning JSF 2 APIs and JBoss Seam | Kent Ka Iok Tong | |
489 | Understanding PaaS | Michael P. McGrath | |
490 | Beginning iOS 5 Application Development | Wei-Meng Lee | |
491 | SharePoint 2010 for Project Management, 2nd Edition | Dux Raymond Sy | |
492 | Introducing Starling | Thibault Imbert | |
493 | Pro OpenGL ES for IOS | Mike Smithwick | |
494 | Lean from the Trenches | Henrik Kniberg | |
495 | Windows Phone Recipes, 2nd Edition | Fabio Claudio Ferracchiati, Emanuele Garofalo | |
496 | Pro SharePoint 2010 Disaster Recovery and High Availability | Stephen Cummins | |
497 | Migrating to Windows Phone | Jesse Liberty, Jeff Blankenburg | |
498 | Mac OS X Lion Made Simple | Axely Congress | |
499 | The Definitive Guide to NetBeans Platform 7 | Heiko Bock | |
500 | Pro iOS Web Design and Development | Andrea Picchi | |
501 | Pragmatic Guide to Sass | Hampton Catlin, Michael Lintorn Catlin | |
502 | Pro jQuery Mobile | Brad Broulik | |
503 | Expert SharePoint 2010 Practices | Sahil Malik, Dan Bakmand-Mikalski, Razi bin Rais, Darrin Bishop , Matt Eddinger, Brian Farnhill, Ed Hild, Joerg Krause, Cory R. Loriot, Matthew McDermott, Dave Milner, Ed Musters, Tahir Naveed, Mark Orange, Doug Ortiz, Barry Ralston, E. Richard | |
504 | Pro HTML5 Programming, 2nd Edition | Peter Lubbers, Frank Salim, Brian Albers | |
505 | SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence 24-Hour Trainer | Adam Jorgensen, Mark Stacey, Devin Knight, Patrick LeBlanc, Brad Schacht | |
506 | Beginning Android 4 Games Development | Mario Zechner, Robert Green | |
507 | Practical Android 4 Games Development | J. F. DiMarzio | |
508 | Beginning iOS 5 Development | David Mark, Jack Nutting, Jeff LaMarche | |
509 | Windows 7 Plain & Simple | Jerry Joyce, Marianne Moon | |
510 | Creating Web Pages All-in-One For Dummies, 4th Edition | Richard Wagner | |
511 | Google Sites and Chrome for Dummies | Ryan Teeter, Karl Barksdale | |
512 | Pro SharePoint Designer 2010 | Steve Wright, David Petersen | |
513 | Home Networking All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies | Eric Geier | |
514 | Agile Software Engineering with Visual Studio, 2nd Edition | Sam Guckenheimer, Neno Loje | |
515 | Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Step by Step | Mike Snyder, Jim Steger, Brendan Landers | |
516 | Beginning Blender | Lance Flavell | |
517 | Beginning Hibernate, 2nd Edition | Jeff Linwood, Dave Minter | |
518 | Beginning Java EE 6 with GlassFish 3, 2nd Edition | Antonio Goncalves | |
519 | Beginning WF | Mark Collins, Mark J. Collins | |
520 | BizTalk 2010 Recipes | Mark Beckner | |
521 | DBA Survivor | Thomas LaRock | |
522 | Design Driven Testing | Matt Stephens, Doug Rosenberg | |
523 | Enterprise Mac Security: Mac OS X Snow Leopard, 2nd Edition | Charles Edge, William Barker, Beau Hunter, Gene Sullivan | |
524 | Expert Oracle Practices | Pete Finnigan, Alex Gorbachev, Melanie Caffrey, Tim Gorman, Randolf Geist, Connie Green | |
525 | Expert Oracle Database Architecture, 2nd Edition | Thomas Kyte | |
526 | Expert F# 2.0 | Don Syme, Adam Granicz, Antonio Cisternino | |
527 | Enterprise Mac Managed Preferences | Edward Marczak, Greg Neagle | |
528 | Pro Web Project Management | Justin Emond, Chris Steins | |
529 | Startup | Kevin Ready | |
530 | Technical Analysis For Dummies, 2nd Edition | Barbara Rockefeller | |
531 | Java and Mac OS X | T. Gene Davis | |
532 | Fragile networks | Anna Nagurney, Qiang Qiang | |
533 | iLife 11 for Dummies | Tony Bove | |
534 | Linkedin for Dummies, 2nd Edition | Joel Elad | |
535 | Drawing for Dummies, 2nd Edition | Jamie Combs, Brenda Hoddinott | |
536 | Programming Amazon EC2 | Jurg van Vliet, Flavia Paganelli | |
537 | R Cookbook | Paul Teetor | |
538 | Arduino Cookbook | Michael Margolis | |
539 | Pro Data Backup and Recovery | Steven Nelson | |
540 | Objective-C Phrasebook, 2nd Edition | David Chisnall | |
541 | MongoDB and Python | Niall O’Higgins | |
542 | Python and AWS Cookbook | Mitch Garnaat | |
543 | ActionScript Developer’s Guide to PureMVC | Cliff Hall | |
544 | Pro Dynamic .NET 4.0 Applications | Carl Ganz | |
545 | PDF Explained | John Whitington | |
546 | Application Security for the Android Platform | Jeff Six | |
547 | Sinatra: Up and Running | Alan Harris, Konstantin Haase | |
548 | Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 in 10 Minutes, 5th Edition | Steven Holzner | |
549 | Making Embedded Systems | Elecia White | |
550 | New Programmer’s Survival Manual | Joshua Carter | |
551 | Programming Concurrency on the JVM | Venkat Subramaniam | |
552 | Agile in a Flash | Jeff Langr, Tim Ottinger | |
553 | MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-642): Configuring Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, 2nd Edition | Tony Northrup, J.C. Mackin | |
554 | Effective C#, 2nd Edition | Bill Wagner | |
555 | Designed for Use | Lukas Mathis | |
556 | Cisco Router Configuration Handbook, 2nd Edition | David Hucaby, Steve McQuerry, Andrew Whitaker | |
557 | Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (UCCE) | Gary Ford | |
558 | Codermetrics | Jonathan Alexander | |
559 | Practical JIRA Plugins | Matthew B. Doar | |
560 | Supercharged JavaScript Graphics | Raffaele Cecco | |
561 | Sams Teach Yourself the Twitter API in 24 Hours | Christopher Peri, Bess Ho | |
562 | Redis Cookbook | Tiago Macedo, Fred Oliveira | |
563 | Deploying OpenStack | Ken Pepple | |
564 | Windows Small Business Server 2011 | Craig Zacker | |
565 | Windows 7 Inside Out, Deluxe Edition | Ed Bott, Carl Siechert, Craig Stinson | |
566 | Agile ALM | Michael Huettermann | |
567 | R in Action | Robert Kabacoff | |
568 | Expert PL/SQL Practices | Michael Rosenblum, Dominic Delmolino, Lewis Cunningham, Riyaj Shamsudeen, Connor McDonald, Melanie Caffrey, John Beresniewicz, Sue Harper, Torben Holm, Robyn Sands, Ron Crisco, Martin Buchi, Adrian Billington, Stephan Petit, Arup Nanda | |
569 | Elastic Beanstalk | Jurg van Vliet, Flavia Paganelli, Steven van Wel, Dara Dowd | |
570 | Gamification by Design | Gabe Zichermann, Christopher Cunningham | |
571 | Getting Started with GEO, CouchDB, and Node.js | Mick Thompson | |
572 | CoffeeScript | Trevor Burnham | |
573 | Google Power Search | Stephan Spencer | |
574 | Developing BlackBerry Tablet Applications with Flex 4.5 | Rich Tretola | |
575 | Building and Testing with Gradle | Tim Berglund, Matthew McCullough | |
576 | Jenkins: The Definitive Guide | John Ferguson Smart | |
577 | Building on SugarCRM | John Mertic | |
578 | Learning SPARQL | Bob DuCharme | |
579 | CSS Pocket Reference, 4th Edition | Eric A. Meyer | |
580 | Perl Pocket Reference, 5th Edition | Johan Vromans | |
581 | Designing for XOOPS | Sun Ruoyu | |
582 | Basic Sensors in iOS | Alasdair Allan | |
583 | Virtualization: A Manager’s Guide | Dan Kusnetzky | |
584 | Dreamweaver CS5.5: The Missing Manual | David Sawyer McFarland | |
585 | Beginning iOS Apps with Facebook and Twitter APIs | Chris Dannen, Christopher White | |
586 | Pro Access 2010 Development | Mark Collins | |
587 | Software Development and Professional Practice | John Dooley | |
588 | Pro Spring Batch | Michael T. Minella | |
589 | The Definitive Guide to Drupal 7 | Benjamin Melancon, Allie Micka, Amye Scavarda, Benjamin Doherty, Bojhan Somers, Karoly Negyesi, Jacine Rodriguez, Moshe Weitzman, Roy Scholten, Ryan Szrama, Sam Boyer, Jacine Luisi, Stephane Corlosquet, Amanda Miller-Johnson, Dan Hakimzadeh, Kasey Do | |
590 | HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World | Alexis Goldstein, Estelle Weyl, Louis Lazaris | |
591 | Pro Android Flash | Stephen Chin, Oswald Campesato, Dean Iverson, Paul Trani | |
592 | Pro Android Python with SL4A | Paul Ferrill | |
593 | Developing C# Apps for iPhone and iPad using MonoTouch | Bryan Costanich | |
594 | Specification by Example | Gojko Adzic | |
595 | Excel 2010 Made Simple | Abbott Katz | |
596 | Managing Infrastructure with Puppet | James Loope | |
597 | Test-Driven Infrastructure with Chef | Stephen Nelson-Smith | |
598 | Junos Enterprise Routing, 2nd Edition | Peter Southwick, Doug Marschke, Harry Reynolds | |
599 | Migrating Applications to IPv6 | Dan York | |
600 | Head First iPhone and iPad Development, 2nd Edition | Dan Pilone, Tracey Pilone | |
601 | Microsoft Project 2010 Inside Out | Teresa S. Stover, Bonnie Biafore, Andreea Marinescu | |
602 | Packet Guide to Core Network Protocols | Bruce Hartpence | |
603 | Cisco Firewalls | Alexandre M.S.P. Moraes | |
604 | Cisco Unity Connection | David Schulz | |
605 | Expert Oracle Application Express | Dietmar Aust , Martin Giffy D’Souza , Doug Gault , Dimitri Gielis , Roel Hartman , Michael Hichwa , Sharon Kennedy , Denes Kubicek , Raj Mattamal , Dan McGhan , Francis Mignault , Anton Nielsen , John Scott | |
606 | Oracle Application Express 4 Recipes | Edmund Zehoo | |
607 | Pro Oracle Application Express 4, 2nd Edition | Tim Fox, Scott Spendolini, John Scott | |
608 | Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition | Tom White | |
609 | Mining the Social Web | Matthew A. Russell | |
610 | Building the Realtime User Experience | Ted Roden | |
611 | Programming the Mobile Web | Maximiliano Firtman | |
612 | Mathematica Cookbook | Sal Mangano | |
613 | Programming Entity Framework, 2nd Edition | Julia Lerman | |
614 | Programming Python, 4th Edition | Mark Lutz | |
615 | Creating HTML5 Animations with Flash and Wallaby | Ian L. McLean | |
616 | Programming Razor | Jess Chadwick | |
617 | Introduction to Search with Sphinx | Andrew Aksyonoff | |
618 | Graphics and Animation on iOS | Vandad Nahavandipoor | |
619 | Asterisk Cookbook | Leif Madsen, Russell Bryant | |
620 | Scaling CouchDB | Bradley Holt | |
621 | Learning Android | Marko Gargenta | |
622 | Canvas Pocket Reference | David Flanagan | |
623 | Cassandra: The Definitive Guide | Eben Hewitt | |
624 | Data Analysis with Open Source Tools | Philipp K. Janert | |
625 | Building Wireless Sensor Networks | Robert Faludi | |
626 | Cisco ASA, 2nd Edition | Jazib Frahim, Omar Santos | |
627 | SIP Trunking | Christina Hattingh, Darryl Sladden, ATM Zakaria Swapan | |
628 | Deploying Cisco Wide Area Application Services, 2nd Edition | Zach Seils, Joel Christner, Nancy Jin | |
629 | Junos Security | Rob Cameron, Brad Woodberg, Patricio Giecco, Timothy Eberhard, James Quinn | |
630 | Erlang and OTP in Action | Martin Logan, Eric Merritt, Richard Carlsson | |
631 | IOS 5 Recipes | Shawn Grimes, Colin Francis | |
632 | C# Database Basics | Michael Schmalz | |
633 | Google Script: Enterprise Application Essentials | James Ferreira | |
634 | Getting Started with CouchDB | MC Brown | |
635 | Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, 3nd Edition | Tom White | |
636 | Advanced Android 4 Games | Vladimir Silva | |
637 | Pro Silverlight 5 in VB, 4th Edition | Matthew MacDonald | |
638 | Pro Silverlight 5 in C#, 4th Edition | Matthew MacDonald | |
639 | JavaScript for Absolute Beginners | Terry McNavage | |
640 | Pro LINQ | Joseph C. Rattz, Jr., Dennis Hayes | |
641 | Agile Coaching | Rachel Davies, Liz Sedley | |
642 | MongoDB and PHP | Steve Francia | |
643 | Node for Front-End Developers | Garann Means | |
644 | Head First Android Development | Jonathan Simon | |
645 | Android Cookbook | Ian F. Darwin | |
646 | Pro Android Apps Performance Optimization | Herve Guihot | |
647 | Think Complexity | Allen B. Downey | |
648 | Toad Pocket Reference for Oracle, 2nd Edition | Jeff Smith, Patrick McGrath, Bert Scalzo | |
649 | QuickBooks 2011: The Missing Manual | Bonnie Biafore | |
650 | Learn Office 2011 for Mac OS X | Guy Hart-Davis | |
651 | Professional Business Connectivity Services in SharePoint 2010 | Scot Hillier, Brad Stevenson | |
652 | Professional ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB | Scott Hanselman, Devin Rader, Bill Evje | |
653 | Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android with OpenGL ES 2.0 | Vitaly Semko, Romain Marucchi-Foino, Roman Semko | |
654 | Beginning iOS Application Development with HTML and JavaScript | Richard Wagner | |
655 | Cracking Windows Phone and BlackBerry Native Development | Matthew Baxter-Reynolds | |
656 | Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK | Jarrett Webb, James Ashley | |
657 | Pro Android 4 | Satya Komatineni, Dave MacLean | |
658 | Beginning PhoneGap | Rohit Ghatol, Yogesh Patel | |
659 | Beginning Android 4 | Grant Allen, Mark Murphy | |
660 | jQuery Mobile: Up and Running | Maximiliano Firtman | |
661 | Accessible EPUB 3 | Matt Garrish | |
662 | MySQL Troubleshooting | Sveta Smirnova | |
663 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Pocket Consultant | William R. Stanek | |
664 | Getting Started with OAuth 2.0 | Ryan Boyd | |
665 | Getting Started with Fluidinfo | Nicholas J. Radcliffe, Nicholas H. Tollervey | |
666 | Machine Learning for Hackers | Drew Conway, John Myles White | |
667 | Programming Entity Framework: DbContext | Julia Lerman, Rowan Miller | |
668 | Making Musical Apps | Peter Brinkmann | |
669 | Programming Perl, 4th Edition | Tom Christiansen, brian d foy, Larry Wall, Jon Orwant | |
670 | Introducing HTML5 Game Development | Jesse Freeman | |
671 | Building Mobile Applications with Java | Joshua Marinacci | |
672 | Build Awesome Command-Line Applications in Ruby | David B. Copeland | |
673 | C++ Concurrency in Action | Anthony Williams | |
674 | Machine Learning in Action | Peter Harrington | |
675 | The Cucumber Book | Aslak Hellesoy, Matt Wynne | |
676 | High Performance MySQL, 3rd Edition | Baron Schwartz, Peter Zaitsev, Vadim Tkachenko | |
677 | Programming WCF Services, 3rd Edition | Juval Lowy | |
678 | Professional Cross-Platform Mobile Development in C# | Scott Olson, John Hunter, Ben Horgen, Kenny Goers | |
679 | Programming Your Home | Mike Riley | |
680 | Programming C# 5.0 | Ian Griffiths | |
681 | Natural Language Annotation for Machine Learning | James Pustejovsky, Amber Stubbs | |
682 | HTML5 Architecture | Wesley Hales | |
683 | Enabling Programmable Self with HealthVault | Vaibhav Bhandari | |
684 | Programming iOS 5, 2nd Edition : Covers iOS 5 and Xcode 4.3 | Matt Neuburg | |
685 | jQuery UI | Eric Sarrion | |
686 | Drupal Development Tricks for Designers | Dani Nordin | |
687 | Introduction to Tornado | Michael Dory, Adam Parrish, Brendan Berg | |
688 | Code Simplicity | Max Kanat-Alexander | |
689 | Professional IronPython | John Paul Mueller | |
690 | Programming Clojure, 2nd edition | Stuart Halloway, Aaron Bedra | |
691 | What is Dart? | Kathy Walrath, Seth Ladd | |
692 | The Developer’s Code | Ka Wai Cheung | |
693 | Professional Ajax, 2nd Edition | Nicholas C. Zakas, Jeremy McPeak, Joe Fawcett | |
694 | Technical Blogging | Antonio Cangiano | |
695 | Facebook Application Development for Dummies | Jesse Stay | |
696 | Clojure Programming | Chas Emerick, Brian Carper, Christophe Grand | |
697 | Rails Recipes | Chad Fowler | |
698 | The Rails View | John Athayde, Bruce Williams | |
699 | The dRuby Book | Masatoshi Seki | |
700 | SharePoint Apps with LightSwitch | Paul Ferrill | |
701 | Windows PowerShell for Developers | Douglas Finke | |
702 | C# 5.0 Pocket Reference | Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari | |
703 | Programming F# 3.0, 2nd Edition | Chris Smith | |
704 | Head First C | David Griffiths, Dawn Griffiths | |
705 | JavaScript Pocket Reference, 3rd Edition | David Flanagan | |
706 | Developing Web Applications with Haskell and Yesod | Michael Snoyman | |
707 | Using the HTML5 Filesystem API | Eric Bidelman | |
708 | Node: Up and Running | Tom Hughes-Croucher, Mike Wilson | |
709 | Developing Backbone.js Applications | Addy Osmani | |
710 | HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Mobile Development For Dummies | William Harrel | |
711 | Pro SQL Server 2008 Policy-Based Management | Ken Simmons , Colin Stasiuk , Jorge Segarra | |
712 | jQuery Recipes | Bintu Harwani | |
713 | Beginning PHP 5.3 | Matt Doyle | |
714 | Building PHP Applications with Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework | Bartosz Porebski, Karol Przystalski, Leszek Nowak | |
715 | The Definitive Guide to HTML5 | Adam Freeman | |
716 | Pro Android Media | Shawn Van Every | |
717 | HLSL and Pixel Shaders for XAML Developers | Walt Ritscher | |
718 | Professional Android 4 Application Development | Reto Meier | |
719 | CentOS Bible | Christopher Negus, Timothy Boronczyk | |
720 | SQL Server DMVs in Action | Ian W. Stirk | |
721 | Practical Computer Vision with SimpleCV | Kurt Demaagd, Anthony Oliver, Nathan Oostendorp, Katherine Scott | |
722 | Getting Started with Metro Apps | Ben Dewey | |
723 | Mobile Design Pattern Gallery | Theresa Neil | |
724 | Learning JavaScript Design Patterns | Addy Osmani | |
725 | YUI 3 Cookbook | Evan Goer | |
726 | Orchard CMS: Up and Running | John Zablocki | |
727 | Resource-Oriented Computing with NetKernel | Tom Geudens | |
728 | Web Workers | Ido Green | |
729 | Maintainable JavaScript | Nicholas C. Zakas | |
730 | Pro Puppet | James Turnbull , Jeffrey McCune | |
731 | Pro CSS for High Traffic Websites | Antony Kennedy , Inayaili de Leon | |
732 | PHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja, 5th Edition | Kevin Yank | |
733 | iPhone 3D Programming | Philip Rideout | |
734 | Adobe Edge Preview 5: The Missing Manual | Chris Grover | |
735 | Professional Xcode 3 | James Bucanek | |
736 | Professional Sitecore Development | John West | |
737 | iPhone and iPad App 24-Hour Trainer | Abhishek Mishra, Gene Backlin | |
738 | Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Programming | Paul Atkinson, Robert Vieira | |
739 | Programming Windows, 6th Edition | Charles Petzold | |
740 | MacRuby in Action | Brendan G. Lim, Jerry Cheung, Jeremy McAnally | |
741 | Spring Roo in Action | Ben Alex | |
742 | RabbitMQ in Action | Alexis Richardson | |
743 | PowerShell and WMI | Richard Siddaway | |
744 | ASP.NET MVC 4 in Action | Jeffrey Palermo, Jimmy Bogard, Eric Hexter, Matthew Hinze, Jeremy Skinner | |
745 | Griffon in Action | Andres Almiray, Danno Ferrin, James Shingler | |
746 | Flex Mobile in Action | Jonathan Campos | |
747 | Scala in Depth | Joshua D. Suereth | |
748 | MooTools Essentials | Aaron Newton | |
749 | Pro Expression Blend 4 | Andrew Troelsen | |
750 | Closure: The Definitive Guide | Michael Bolin | |
751 | Professional Augmented Reality Browsers for Smartphones | Lester Madden | |
752 | PHP and MySQL 24-Hour Trainer | Andrea Tarr | |
753 | Beginning CSS | Ian Pouncey, Richard York | |
754 | Discovering SQL | Alex Kriegel | |
755 | Beginning iOS Game Development | Patrick Alessi | |
756 | Pro SharePoint 2010 Administration | Rob Garrett | |
757 | Pro SharePoint 2010 Governance | Steve Wright, Corey Erkes | |
758 | SharePoint 2010 at Work | Mark Miller | |
759 | SharePoint 2010 Field Guide | Steven Mann, Colin Murphy, Pablo Gazmuri, Chris Caravajal, Christina Wheeler | |
760 | Hacking the Kinect | Jeff Kramer, Nicolas Burrus, Daniel Herrera C., Florian Echtler, Matt Parker | |
761 | Arduino and Kinect Projects | Enrique Ramos Melgar, Ciriaco Castro Diez | |
762 | Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services | Brian Knight, Erik Veerman, Jessica M. Moss, Mike Davis, Chris Rock | |
763 | HTML5 Games Most Wanted | Egor Kuryanovich, Shy Shalom, Russell Goldenberg, Mathias Paumgarten, David Strauss, Seb Lee-Delisle, Gaetan Renaudeau, Jonas Wagner, Jonathan Bergknoff, Rob Hawkes, Brian Danchilla | |
764 | Expert Oracle and Java Security | David Coffin | |
765 | Expert Indexing in Oracle Database 11g | Ignatius Fernandez, Darl Kuhn, Sam Alapati, Bill Padfield | |
766 | Architecting Mobile Solutions for the Enterprise | Dino Esposito | |
767 | Professional Android Sensor Programming | Greg Milette, Adam Stroud | |
768 | Professional F# 2.0 | Aaron Erickson, Talbott Crowell, Rick Minerich, Ted Neward | |
769 | Professional C++, 2nd Edition | Marc Gregoire, Nicholas A. Solter, Scott J. Kleper | |
770 | SharePoint 2010 Six-in-One | Raymond Mitchell, Kenneth Schaefer, Wes Preston, Andrew Clark, Becky Bertram, Chris Geier, Cathy Dew | |
771 | Real-World Solutions for Developing High-Quality PHP Frameworks and Applications | Sebastian Bergmann, Stefan Priebsch | |
772 | Excel VBA Programming For Dummies, 2nd Edition | John Walkenbach | |
773 | Excel Formulas and Functions For Dummies, 2nd Edition | Ken Bluttman, Peter G. Aitken | |
774 | PHP and MySQL For Dummies, 4th Edition | Janet Valade | |
775 | Building a Web Site For Dummies, 4th Edition | David A. Crowder | |
776 | Joomla! For Dummies, 2nd Edition | Seamus Bellamy, Steven Holzner | |
777 | Java For Dummies, 5th Edition | Barry Burd | |
778 | Sams Teach Yourself SAP in 24 Hours, 4th Edition | George Anderson | |
779 | Sams Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 24 Hours, 4th Edition | Joe Casad | |
780 | Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 24 Hours, 5th Edition | Ryan Stephens, Ron Plew, Arie D. Jones | |
781 | Sams Teach Yourself iOS 5 Application Development in 24 Hours, 3rd Edition | John Ray | |
782 | Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development in 24 Hours | Jennifer Kyrnin | |
783 | Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Dynamics Crm 2011 in 24 Hours | Anne Stanton | |
784 | Linux All-in-One For Dummies, 4th Edition | Emmett Dulaney | |
785 | Upgrading and Fixing Computers Do-it-Yourself For Dummies | Andy Rathbone | |
786 | Building Web Apps for Google TV | Andres Ferrate, Amanda Surya, Daniels Lee, Maile Ohye, Paul Carff, Shawn Shen, Steven Hines | |
787 | MacRuby: The Definitive Guide | Matt Aimonetti | |
788 | Mobile Development with C# | Greg Shackles | |
789 | Safe C++ | Vladimir Kushnir | |
790 | Sams Teach Yourself Windows Phone 7 Game Programming in 24 Hours | Jonathan Harbour | |
791 | iPhone 4S All-in-One For Dummies | Joe Hutsko, Barbara Boyd | |
792 | jQuery For Dummies | Lynn Beighley | |
793 | Practical RichFaces, 2nd Edition | Max Katz, Ilya Shaikovsky | |
794 | Expert Oracle Exadata | Kerry Osborne, Randy Johnson, Tanel Poder | |
795 | Pro Agile .NET Development with Scrum | Jerrel Blankenship, Matthew Bussa, Scott Millett | |
796 | Working with NHibernate 3.0 | Benjamin Perkins | |
797 | Beginning R | Mark Gardener | |
798 | Flex on Java | Bernerd Allmon, Jeremy Anderson | |
799 | Liferay in Action | Rich Sezov, Brian Kim | |
800 | Portlets in Action | Ashish Sarin | |
801 | The Joy of Clojure | Michael Fogus, Chris Houser | |
802 | Objective-C Fundamentals | Christopher Fairbairn, Collin Ruffenach, Johannes Fahrenkrug | |
803 | OSGi in Action | Richard S. Hall, Karl Pauls, Stuart McCulloch, David Savage | |
804 | Rails 3 in Action | Yehuda Katz, Ryan Bigg | |
805 | Killer Game Programming in Java | Andrew Davison | |
806 | Automating ActionScript Projects with Eclipse and Ant | Sidney de Koning | |
807 | HTML5 for Publishers | Sanders Kleinfeld | |
808 | iOS 5 Programming Cookbook | Vandad Nahavandipoor | |
809 | Beginning HTML, XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript | Jon Duckett | |
810 | Beginning Java | Ivor Horton | |
811 | Professional Windows Embedded Compact 7 | Samuel Phung, David Jones, Thierry Joubert | |
812 | Professional NoSQL | Shashank Tiwari | |
813 | Windows Phone 7 Programming for Android and iOS Developers | Zhinan Zhou, Robert Zhu, Pei Zheng, Baijian Yang | |
814 | iMac For Dummies, 6th Edition | Mark L. Chambers | |
815 | MacBook For Dummies, 3rd Edition | Mark L. Chambers | |
816 | Taking Your iPhone 4S to the Max | Michael Grothaus, Erica Sadun, Steve Sande | |
817 | Drupal | Cynthia McCourt | |
818 | Professional Linux Programming | Jon Masters, Richard Blum | |
819 | Linux Kernel Development, 3rd Edition | Robert Love | |
820 | Windows Phone 7 Development Internals | Andrew Whitechapel | |
821 | Inside Windows Debugging | Tarik Soulami | |
822 | Planning and Managing Drupal Projects | Dani Nordin | |
823 | Big Data Glossary | Pete Warden | |
824 | Macintosh Terminal Pocket Guide | Daniel J. Barrett | |
825 | Getting Started with Couchbase Server | MC Brown | |
826 | Just Spring Data Access | Madhusudhan Konda | |
827 | Just Spring Integration | Madhusudhan Konda | |
828 | Mobile JavaScript Application Development | Adrian Kosmaczewski | |
829 | Web Performance Daybook Volume 2 | Stoyan Stefanov | |
830 | Learning Node | Shelley Powers | |
831 | C# 5.0 in a Nutshell, 5th Edition | Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari | |
832 | Beginning Windows Phone 7 Application Development | Robert Fonseca-Ensor, Karli Watson, Nick Lecrenski | |
833 | Shell Scripting | Steve Parker | |
834 | Flash CS6: The Missing Manual | Chris Grover | |
835 | Getting Started with D3 | Mike Dewar | |
836 | Programming Computer Vision with Python | Jan Erik Solem | |
837 | Exploring Everyday Things with R and Ruby | Sau Sheong Chang | |
838 | Android for Work | Marziah Karch | |
839 | JDK 1.4 Tutorial | Gregory Travis | |
840 | Beginning Silverlight 5 in C#, 4th Edition | Robert Lair | |
841 | Pro Spatial with SQL Server 2012 | Alastair Aitchison | |
842 | Pro SQL Server 2012 Administration, 2nd Edition | Ken Simmons, Sylvester Carstarphen | |
843 | Practical HTML5 Projects | Adrian W. West | |
844 | Quick Guide to Flash Catalyst | Rafiq Elmansy | |
845 | ActionScript Developer’s Guide to Robotlegs | Joel Hooks, Stray (Lindsey Fallow) | |
846 | Programming Social Applications | Jonathan LeBlanc | |
847 | Getting Started with Roo | Josh Long, Steve Mayzak | |
848 | PostgreSQL: Up and Running | Regina Obe, Leo Hsu | |
849 | Team Geek | Brian W. Fitzpatrick, Ben Collins-Sussman | |
850 | Meaningful Use and Beyond | Fred Trotter, David Uhlman | |
851 | Sakai OAE Deployment and Management | Max Whitney | |
852 | Activiti in Action | Tijs Rademakers | |
853 | Silverlight 5 in Action | Pete Brown | |
854 | The Well-Grounded Java Developer | Benjamin J. Evans, Martijn Verburg | |
855 | SOA Governance in Action | Jos Dirksen | |
856 | Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce, 2nd Edition | Cristian Darie, Emilian Balanescu | |
857 | Metro Revealed: Building Windows 8 apps with XAML and C# | Adam Freeman | |
858 | Pro JavaScript for Web Apps | Adam Freeman | |
859 | Android Apps with Eclipse | Onur Cinar | |
860 | Beginning Android Web Apps Development | Jon Westfall, Rocco Augusto, Grant Allen | |
861 | Building Web Applications with SVG | David Dailey, Jon Frost, Domenico Strazzullo | |
862 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services | Marco Russo, Alberto Ferrari, Chris Webb | |
863 | Start Here! Learn the Kinect API | Rob Miles | |
864 | Training Kit (Exam 70-462): Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases | Orin Thomas, Peter Ward, boB Taylor | |
865 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Fundamentals | Itzik Ben-Gan | |
866 | Seven Databases in Seven Weeks | Eric Redmond, Jim R. Wilson | |
867 | Deploying with JRuby | Joe Kutner | |
868 | Deploying Rails | Tom Copeland, Anthony Burns | |
869 | Dreamweaver CS6: The Missing Manual | David Sawyer McFarland | |
870 | Drupal for Designers | Dani Nordin | |
871 | Introducing Regular Expressions | Michael Fitzgerald | |
872 | Learning Rails 3 | Simon St. Laurent, Edd Dumbill, Eric J Gruber | |
873 | Beginning ASP.NET Security | Barry Dorrans | |
874 | Test-Driven iOS Development | Graham Lee | |
875 | Pro Spring MVC with Web Flow | Marten Deinum, Koen Serneels, Colin Yates, Seth Ladd, Christophe Vanfleteren | |
876 | SQL Server 2012 Query Performance Tuning, 3rd Edition | Grant Fritchey | |
877 | OS X Mountain Lion: The Missing Manual | David Pogue | |
878 | OS X Mountain Lion Pocket Guide | Chris Seibold | |
879 | Intermediate Perl, 2nd Edition | Randal L. Schwartz, brian d foy, Tom Phoenix | |
880 | The Go Programming Language Phrasebook | David Chisnall | |
881 | Programming in Go | Mark Summerfield | |
882 | Quicken 2009 For Dummies | Stephen L. Nelson | |
883 | Apache Cookbook, 2nd Edition | Rich Bowen, Ken Coar | |
884 | Ajax: The Definitive Guide | Anthony T. Holdener III | |
885 | HTML5 Media | Shelley Powers | |
886 | Sams Teach Yourself Core Data for Mac and iOS in 24 Hours, 2nd Edition | Jesse Feiler | |
887 | Accessibility Handbook | Katie Cunningham | |
888 | Getting Started with Storm | Jonathan Leibiusky, Gabriel Eisbruch, Dario Simonassi | |
889 | Professional SharePoint 2010 Development | Scot Hillier, Kenneth Schaefer, Reza Alirezaei, Jeff Fried, Tom Rizzo, Paul Swider | |
890 | Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB | Imar Spaanjaars | |
891 | Joomla! Start to Finish | Jen Kramer | |
892 | Learning PHP & MySQL, 2nd Edition | Michele E. Davis, Jon A. Phillips | |
893 | Data Mashups in R. | Jeremy Leipzig, Xiao-Yi Li | |
894 | Developing iOS Applications with Flex 4.5 | Rich Tretola | |
895 | HTML5: The Missing Manual | Matthew MacDonald | |
896 | Grails Persistence with GORM and GSQL | Robert Fischer | |
897 | Pro Java ME Apps | Ovidiu Iliescu | |
898 | Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for Android | Gavin Williams | |
899 | Pro HTML5 and CSS3 Design Patterns | Michael Bowers, Dionysios Synodinos, Victor Sumner | |
900 | Pro Website Development and Operations | Matthew Sacks | |
901 | Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C# | Matthew MacDonald | |
902 | Beginning C# 5.0Databases, 2nd Edition | Vidya Vrat Agarwal | |
903 | Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Framework, 6th Edition | Andrew Troelsen | |
904 | Pro SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services, 3rd Edition | Brian McDonald, Shawn McGehee, Rodney Landrum | |
905 | Sams Teach Yourself Android Application Development in 24 Hours, 2nd Edition | Lauren Darcey, Shane Conder | |
906 | Sams Teach Yourself Mac OS X Lion in 10 Minutes | Brad Miser | |
907 | PHP and MySQL Web Development, 4th Edition | Luke Welling, Laura Thomson | |
908 | Windows Phone 7 for iPhone Developers | Kevin Hoffman | |
909 | Java Network Programming, 3rd Edition | Elliotte Rusty Harold | |
910 | C++ All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies, 2nd Edition | John Paul Mueller, Jeff Cogswell | |
911 | Web Services Essentials | Ethan Cerami | |
912 | Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer | Yakov Fain | |
913 | Professional Visual Basic 2010 and .NET 4 | Bill Sheldon, Jonathan Marbutt, Kent Sharkey, Gaston Hillar, Billy Hollis, Rob Windsor | |
914 | Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery | Jack Moffitt | |
915 | Windows 7 Enterprise Desktop Support Technician | Microsoft Official Academic Course | |
916 | C# Programming Language, The, 4th Edition | Anders Hejlsberg, Mads Torgersen, Scott Wiltamuth, Peter Golde | |
917 | Foundations of Ajax | Nathaniel T. Schutta, Ryan Asleson | |
918 | WebGL: Up and Running | Tony Parisi | |
919 | Version Control with Git, 2nd Edition | Jon Loeliger, Matthew McCullough | |
920 | Regular Expressions Cookbook, 2nd Edition | Jan Goyvaerts, Steven Levithan | |
921 | Head First HTML and CSS, 2nd Edition | Elisabeth Robson, Eric Freeman | |
922 | Think Python | Allen B. Downey | |
923 | Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS, 2nd Edition | Robin Nixon | |
924 | Google Search & Rescue For Dummies | Brad Hill | |
925 | Photoshop CS3 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies | Barbara Obermeier | |
926 | Rootkits For Dummies | Larry Stevenson, Nancy Altholz | |
927 | WordPress For Dummies, 2nd Edition | Lisa Sabin-Wilson | |
928 | Google SketchUp 7 For Dummies | Aidan Chopra | |
929 | CCNA Certification All-In-One For Dummies | Silviu Angelescu | |
930 | WordPress All-in-One For Dummies | Lisa Sabin-Wilson, Cory Miller, Kevin Palmer, Andrea Rennick, Michael Torbert | |
931 | Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies, 3rd Edition | Barry Burd | |
932 | Object-Oriented Thought Process, 3rd Edition | Matt Weisfeld | |
933 | Android Wireless Application Development, 2nd Edition | Shane Conder, Lauren Darcey | |
934 | Android Wireless Application Development, 3rd Edition | Lauren Darcey, Shane Conder | |
935 | Sams Teach Yourself Dreamweaver CS5 in 24 Hours | Betsy Bruce, John Ray, Robyn Ness | |
936 | Sams Teach Yourself jQuery Mobile in 24 Hours | Phillip Dutson | |
937 | CSS and Documents | Eric A. Meyer | |
938 | Values, Units, and Colors | Eric A. Meyer | |
939 | Selectors, Specificity, and the Cascade | Eric A. Meyer | |
940 | Developing with Google+ | Jennifer Murphy | |
941 | Programming Hive | Edward Capriolo, Dean Wampler, Jason Rutherglen | |
942 | Civic Apps Competition Handbook | Kate Eyler-Werve, Virginia Carlson | |
943 | Enterprise Games | Michael Hugos | |
944 | Building a Windows IT Infrastructure in the Cloud | David K. Rensin | |
945 | Photoshop Elements 11: The Missing Manual | Barbara Brundage | |
946 | Adobe Edge Animate Preview 7: The Missing Manual | Chris Grover | |
947 | Cloud Architecture Patterns | Bill Wilder | |
948 | Java EE 6 Pocket Guide | Arun Gupta | |
949 | Windows Server 2008 Inside Out | William R. Stanek | |
950 | Troubleshoot and Optimize Windows 8 Inside Out | Mike Halsey | |
951 | Windows Internals, Part 2, 6th Edition | Mark E. Russinovich, David A. Solomon, Alex Ionescu | |
952 | Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, 2nd Preview | Kraig Brockschmidt | |
953 | Programming with the Kinect for Windows Software Development Kit | David Catuhe | |
954 | C++ AMP | Kate Gregory, Ade Miller | |
955 | Introducing Windows Server 2012 RTM Edition | Mitch Tulloch | |
956 | Windows 8 Step by Step | Ciprian Adrian Rusen, Joli Ballew | |
957 | Windows 8 Administration Pocket Consultant | William R. Stanek | |
958 | Windows Server 2012 Pocket Consultant | William R. Stanek | |
959 | Juniper MX Series | Douglas Richard Hanks Jr., Harry Reynolds | |
960 | Programming ASP.NET MVC 4 | Jess Chadwick, Todd Snyder, Hrusikesh Panda | |
961 | Async in C# 5.0 | Alex Davies | |
962 | Build Your Own Website The Right Way Using HTML & CSS, 3rd Edition | Ian Lloyd | |
963 | Killer UX Design | Jodie Moule | |
964 | MongoDB in Action | Kyle Banker | |
965 | MongoDB: The Definitive Guide | Kristina Chodorow, Michael Dirolf | |
966 | The Definitive Guide to MongoDB | Eelco Plugge, Tim Hawkins, Peter Membrey | |
967 | Linux Pocket Guide, 2nd Edition | Daniel J. Barrett | |
968 | Spring in Action, 3rd Edition | Craig Walls | |
969 | Expert Performance Indexing for SQL Server 2012 | Jason Strate, Ted Krueger | |
970 | C++ in a Nutshell | Ray Lischner | |
971 | C in a Nutshell | Peter Prinz, Tony Crawford | |
972 | Linux Kernel in a Nutshell | Greg Kroah-Hartman | |
973 | MySQL in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition | Russell Dyer | |
974 | Beginning Windows 8 Application Development | Istvan Novak, Zoltan Arvai, Gyorgy Balassy, David Fulop | |
975 | Ivor Horton’s Beginning Visual C++ 2012 | Ivor Horton | |
976 | Beginning XML, 5th Edition | Joe Fawcett, Danny Ayers, Liam R. E. Quin | |
977 | Beginning Perl | Curtis Poe | |
978 | Beginning iPhone SDK Programming with Objective-C | Wei-Meng Lee | |
979 | Professional Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2010 | Mickey Gousset, Brian Keller, Ajoy Krishnamoorthy, Martin Woodward | |
980 | Professional Mobile Application Development | Jeff McWherter, Scott Gowell | |
981 | Professional ASP.NET MVC 4 | Jon Galloway, Phil Haack, Brad Wilson, K. Scott Allen, Scott Hanselman | |
982 | Visual Basic 2012 Programmer’s Reference | Rod Stephens | |
983 | Professional HTML5 Mobile Game Development | Pascal Rettig | |
984 | Professional Node.js | Pedro Teixeira | |
985 | Tcl/Tk in a Nutshell | Paul Raines, Jeff Tranter | |
986 | Web Design in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition | Jennifer Niederst Robbins | |
987 | A Tester’s Guide to .NET Programming | Mary Romero Sweeney, Randal Root | |
988 | Beginning Java ME Platform | Ray Rischpater | |
989 | Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010 | Matthew MacDonald | |
990 | Beginning Windows Phone 7 Development, 2nd Edition | Henry Lee, Eugene Chuvyrov | |
991 | Android Apps Security | Sheran Gunasekera | |
992 | Location-Aware Applications | Richard Ferraro, Murat Aktihanoglu | |
993 | Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Mountain Lion Edition | David Pogue | |
994 | DevOps for Developers | Michael Huttermann | |
995 | SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Recipes, 3rd Edition | Jason Brimhall, David Dye, Jonathan Gennick, Andy Roberts, Wayne Sheffield | |
996 | HTML5 Step by Step | Faithe Wempen | |
997 | Understanding IPv6, 3rd Edition | Joseph Davies | |
998 | Introducing Windows 8 | Jerry Honeycutt | |
999 | Hello! HTML5 & CSS3 | Rob Crowther |
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