Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Step by step creating name box

Name box is the cell which is read by Ms excel by name that it's given. When you want to write the cell down at formula bar you just type the name that you already given to the cell. For example, a cell B5 you give the name bax with "tax" so when read b5 you just type tax, such this formula  =a4*tax. 

So what is the advantage of  the name box when you give the cell with it;

1. You don't have to write the colomn and the row every time you use that cell into formula. What you have to do is write the name box down at fomula bar.

2. You 'll be easy to remember it comparing you have to check the column and the row every time you want that cell is used at formula.

3. You can use the name box for the next sheet in the file (workbook). For example, at a sheet report you create the name box tax, and the next sheet is "monthly report" you want to count the tax so you just write at formula bar tax and Ms excel will read tax at sheet report. As long as you at one file (workbook) you can use the name box fo rthe rest of the formula.

Here the step by step to create the name box:

1. firstable, click or block the cell that you want give the name box
at the example below here the tax at cell C9

2. and then you go to name box bar at left top (or where you can see C9). At the example above the cell C9 is blue highlight.

3. type at the name box bar the name you want to give and then enter.
For this example I give the cell C9 with name tax

When you want to process counting the tax of each items you click at tax's column E5 this formula =d5*tax (enter) and the rest let Ms excel process the counting.

The name box tax is written at sheet1. If you want to create another , sheet2 and when you want to count tax (5%) you just write it down tax at formula bar and the rest Ms excel will go to sheet1 and read cell C9 contains 5%.

It's easy, isn't it? So what are you waiting for and don't let yourself always write it down the column and the row every time you need the cell. Give the best shoot to your job and don't waste your time.... Good luck...!!!!

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