Rabu, 08 September 2010

How to create static page on blog for beginner

Page static on blog is used for space to file or anything that having commons content. for example, page static "trick", this page contents some tricks that owner blog give to visitor. or page static "download", this page content something that owner blog give to visitor to download. you can create more than one static page on your blog.

you put static page on your blog to make visitor easily to find what are they looking for on your blog. beside that, your blog is organized and looking good. when your blog is organized and it'll make visitor comfortable and enjoy to visiting your blog regularly.

how to create "page static" on your blog, follow these steps:

1. go to your blog (for ex. http://blogname.blogspot.com)
2. click sign to editing your blog
3. at dashboard click posting - edit page
4. click name of static page you want to display on your blog at title
5. and click "publish post"

for know how static page looks like on your blog, you can click "view post" dashboard. so, what are you waiting for...create your own static page on your blog and keep organized your contents to attractive the visitor...good luck...!!!!